Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just You and Me....

This is the song that I have been singing in my head over and over after both S and my aunt left U.S.

I was bummed when S went back to London on Jan 9, but totally went into a panic mode when my aunt went back to Taiwan!! Di-di and I (esp. I) were totally spoiled by my aunt in the past 4 months. My aunt was in charge of my house and Di-di. There was always food on the table; Di-di was always well fed and clean; my house was always clean; toys were always put back to the storage area... Mommy got to focus on her work as well as spending "quality" time with Di-di instead of being stressed out and not able to enjoy Di-di's cuteness and crazy 2-year-old antics. Life was great. Oh well, that is life. All good times have to end...

The house became messy as soon as my aunt left. I had a fever on the morning when my brother drove my aunt to the airport, so I left Di-di playing while I took a cat nap on the coach next to him. Not sure how Di-di sneaked around and did this without waking mommy.... This was what I saw when I woke up:

(Right there~~ all over the kitchen floor was what used to be a $100USD bottle worth of Ginseng powder that I bought in S. Korea. I have no idea where those tooth picks came from!!)


Sarah k said...

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could you save some? That is just horrible!!! I am sorry that you guys are without company now. That truly stinks!!! We out here in cyber land love you!!!

Sarah k

Sherry said...

Oh my gosh! I'd just cry and walk away! Looks like you need another trip to South Korea. Get more Ginseng powder:)

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