Wednesday, August 5, 2009

July Update

Oh my, is it August!!

I didn't blog much about DD, but July was huge month for his developments:

1. He is starting to "talk" as in having conversations with mommy and daddy. I used to wonder if he needed speech therapy, but now I can see the progress.

2. Sometimes when I talk to DD in Chinese, he would answer back or respond in the Chinese words that he knows! I hope that I am not just imaging things and hope that he is learning Chinese.

3. DD is potty trained (with occasional accidents). During June/early July, I was convinced that he could not be trained.:) He would have 4 or 5 accidents every day. He knew where to pee-pee and pooh-pooh and he would show me the toilets, but he just would NOT use the toilets when he needed to go. I think the turning point came after daddy came home. It was like the light bulb went off overnight. He started telling us when he needed to go and would actually hold his BM until he got to the toilet. I would rate potty training and washing soiled underwear for 40 days as the most difficult parenting task so far. It really tested my patience and tolerance for bad smell day in and day out....(yike.:) However, it was so rewarding to see DD finally potty trained! I am so proud of my baby, because I know it must have been so confusing and hard for him as well.

4. DD's last day at his old daycare was filled with sadness (for mommy.) We love his nannies and teachers there. They took such good care of him for the past two years and we really thank them from the bottom of my heart.

5. DD started attending a new preschool, M*er*ry*hi*ll, on August 3. He likes the teachers and new classmates so far and has been enjoying the new environment and great facilities. He is so great at adapting to new environment. The only thing is that he has a few "accidents" again since started at new school. However, his teacher said that it's totally normal. I had originally enrolled DD in another school, with Chinese/English bilingual program. Was all ready to start him there on August 3. However, S pulled a plug on that school after visiting in July. S was not impressed with the Chinese program.... mmmm very strange, because for someone who doesn't speak any Chinese, S sure has pretty high standard! :) Anyway it is all fine, because I like M*er*ry*hi*ll a lot too and DD is in a Spanish/English program.

(Hanging out at the bookstore)

(Goofing around with Daddy)

(DD is such a goof ball now!)

1 comment:

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

Wow! Sounds like he is doing amazing! :) Loved picture of the happy family! :)

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers