Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I went to Spain last weekend for 3 nights last week. It was amazing! Weather was perfect and it was sunny, warm and beautiful.

Here are a few pics from around town. I spent the first day going around Madrid and doing all the touristy stuff. The second day I went to Segovia, which is a small town a short bus ride north of Madrid. The last day I had a nice relaxing day having a 3 hour lunch and then doing window shopping.

I'll post more pics later.


Sarah k said...

Super cool. I am glad that it was a good visit to Spain. It looks so clean and pristine there.

Sarah k

J+Di Di said...

Nice~~~ I am so jealous!!!!

Peanuts' Mom said...

Feeling unfairness on behalf of J+Di Di.... Wait... shouldn't you be studying or something???

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