Monday, April 27, 2009


DD and I attended my coworker J's wedding reception on Saturday afternoon. We drove way out there into the country side of Lincoln where we saw acres upon acres of green grass with horses and cows. DD was already having so much from just pointing to all of the animals. By the time we arrived at the reception, DD was in heaven, running around with the other kids into the RV, reception area , not to mention eating all that amazing BBQ food, cheese AND CAKE!

The weather was beautiful and the wedding was simply awesome! It brought back so many fond memories of my own wedding from almost 7 years ago! The bride and groom are off to Ireland for their honeymoon.

(The Beautiful bride and the loving groom)

(My coworkers and their families)

(Highlight of every wedding- The Wedding Cake!)

(Mommy was really going to give DD a piece of the wedding cake, without icing...cruel mommy:)

(FINE-My coworkers just had to feed DD the icing on the cake which is forbidden in my house! DD loved it, of course.. I think there is no turning back from icing from this point on:)

Friday, April 17, 2009

“I Dreamed a Dream”

Totally love this video! It is awesome to see that talent can sometimes trump good looks and youth in this day and age! :)

"I Dreamed a Dream" by Susan Boyle

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Who Needs Daddy When I have Lego~

DD had two major meltdowns on Monday when daddy left. It was like he sensed that something was going on. However he rebounded fast this time and was ok by Tuesday! He loves the new Lego table and has been totally focused on playing the Lego blocks.

(DD loves his Lego table and Lego blocks.)

(Daddy put together the Lego truck and bulldozer for DD)

(Sweet dream- 寶貝)

Sunday, April 12, 2009


We had a busy weekend before daddy goes back to London on Monday. On Saturday, we took DD to an early music class, then drove to Vacaville to have lunch with Grandpa and Grandma. DD was excited to see them!! We all enjoyed the food at the new Thai restaurant, even though it's overpriced.

On Sunday, we met up with our friends and baby H for lunch, then went back to our house to have a nice chat. DD went napping after we got home, but baby H was a on roll! I was amazed by how much energy baby H had. DD did wake before they left and played with baby H. We were so proud that DD was fine sharing his toys with H.

We will miss daddy soooo much!!

(Family get together at Vacaville)

(Yummy Thai food)

(Yummy spicy seafood)

(No, these two boys were not trying to strangle each other; it was just the angle of my camera!:)

(We thought DD looked so "mature" and grown up already! :(
(I am holding on to the tail-end of DD's babiness, so I have to throw in this picture.)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

LA Trip: Day 5 (March 30)

We arrived at the airport at 10:30AM and found out that our 1:00PM flight was delayed to 2:30PM... then to 2:20PM, then to 3:00PM!!! It was quite an emotional roller coaster ride seeing the delay time change, because we were so worried about how to keep DD entertained/contained for four hours at the airport!! :) We let him run around, play with his new Lego set, fed him plenty of food and let him watch the airplanes take off. It was no small task, but we all survived the wait and the flight home, sweet home.

A few notes about this trip:
1) This was DD's first flight since Jan 2008 and how he has changed! I traveled to Taiwan with DD by myself twice and those 12+hr flights didn't seem all that bad compared to this trip. S and I could barely handle DD and we just felt tired, hence the afternoon naps every day for mommy and daddy as well.
2) DD loves attention. He was so happy and extra active when the other adults were around. I think he is destined to be the class clown.
3) Mommy is not ready to throw away his crib yet. In the hotel, I woke up in the middle of the night worrying if he fell off the bed. Once, his head was at the edge of the bed when I checked on him; the other nights, I saw this.
4) The weather in So Cal is simply great and the Chinese food is the best in the U.S. I miss my old neighborhood and the many Chinese/Taiwanese things that it has. However I just can't deal with the traffic jam anymore.
5) I have missed baby N a lot since we left L.A. I love seeing his new pictures. DD seemed to be ready to be a great big brother. I kept bugging S about having a second child every time I missed baby N . However, we are not going to have a second child. Period. End of the discussion (for 2009) according to S. :)

(My gratitude to N's mommy for letting me hold him to get my baby fix. N is so adorable!!:)

(DD was no longer jealous when I held a baby in front of him.)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

LA Trip: Day 4

In the morning, Grandpa had a great idea that we should visit The Getty Center near UCLA. We got off the 405 too early and went on a little detour along the Pacific Coast highway, but the view was great and we did find The Getty Center. We couldn't believe how cheap the admission was to the Getty Center- $10 per car! DD loved taking the tram to the center from the parking lot. The art collection may not be as impressive as the Louvre in Paris or the British Museum in London, but the view from the Center was unbeatable. DD had lot of fun running around in the garden and around the center.

We went back to the hotel for a long nap in the afternoon. We then took DD to the Disney Downtown which was free admission. DD scored a Lego set in the Lego store, but I suspect daddy might have more fun putting together the lego than DD. :)

For dinner Uncle D took us to a Cantonese/Vietnamese Seafood restaurant owned by Cambodians in (or near) Little Saigon. The food was delicious and "cheap"! We all enjoyed the lobster....YUMMY!

After dinner, we went back to uncle D's house and finally got to see cousin K. K just came home from the hospital, so she was little cranky. She was in no mood to entertain us, but we were so happy to see that she was recovering well.

(Entrance to the Getty Center)
Getty Center
(Serious DD)
Getty Center
(DD turned on his big smile as soon as mommy said "Cheese".:)
Getty Center
(Garden behind the Getty Center)
Getty Center 8
(The Lego Store in Disney Downtown)

(More pictures on Flickr)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Gymbucks can be auctioned on eBay!!

I never knew that there is a Gymboree "cult" and Gymbucks are being auctioned on line! Don't want to think how much "Gymbucks" I have wasted by letting them expired in the past two years. Thanks to the lovely sales lady at the Gymboree outlet, I am not going to let my Gymbucks go to waste this year, not in this economy!!

Anyhow, for my dear family and friends who don't belong to the Gymboree cult, I do have two extra Carter's coupons (20% off the entire purchase of $50 or more, valid Apr 1-30) that I won't use. These coupons can only be used at a store. If you are interested, you know where and how to reach me. First come, first serve! :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

LA Trip: Side note

Can you see why DD is still sleeping in his crib. He has a queen-sized bed all to himself in our hotel room, yet he still almost fell off the bed every night!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

LA Trip: Day 3

In the morning we went back to my old neighborhood, Rowland Heights, to get a hair cut. My hair is very difficult to "layer", so I only get my hair cut when I go back to Taiwan or LA. After the 90 minutes marathon hair-cut session, we rushed to Arcadia to meet my best girl friend and her family for lunch. We had a GREAT Cantonese seafood lunch (best part about being in LA.) I can't believe her older son is already 11 years old!! He was still a baby when I went back to business school! I can't imagine my DD being 11 years old.:( After lunch, we went to her house for a quick visit and DD got to play with Autie R's doggie.

We went back to the hotel for a short nap, then got ready to meet D&L&N for dinner. I missed baby N already! I even considered having another child that day, but those baby thoughts were quickly put to rest by DD's dinner antics. DD was ready to run around after he was full and I had to chase him all over the restaurant.

(DD with mommy's best friend, Auntie R)

(Yummy yummy Cantonese cuisine!)

(Baby N's night out with the family- he looked so alert for a 2-week old baby!)

(Which dishes to order was a big Lim family decision.:)
(Baby N went back to napping. DD used to be this mellow and content during dinner parties, but not any more!!)
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers