We arrived at the airport at 10:30AM and found out that our 1:00PM flight was delayed to 2:30PM... then to 2:20PM, then to 3:00PM!!! It was quite an emotional roller coaster ride seeing the delay time change, because we were so worried about how to keep DD entertained/contained for four hours at the airport!! :) We let him run around, play with his new Lego set, fed him plenty of food and let him watch the airplanes take off. It was no small task, but we all survived the wait and the flight home, sweet home.
A few notes about this trip:
1) This was DD's first flight since Jan 2008 and how he has changed! I traveled to Taiwan with DD by myself twice and those 12+hr flights didn't seem all that bad compared to this trip. S and I could barely handle DD and we just felt tired, hence the afternoon naps every day for mommy and daddy as well.
2) DD loves attention. He was so happy and extra active when the other adults were around. I think he is destined to be the class clown.
3) Mommy is not ready to throw away his crib yet. In the hotel, I woke up in the middle of the night worrying if he fell off the bed. Once, his head was at the edge of the bed when I checked on him; the other nights, I saw
4) The weather in So Cal is simply great and the Chinese food is the best in the U.S. I miss my old neighborhood and the many Chinese/Taiwanese things that it has. However I just can't deal with the traffic jam anymore.
5) I have missed baby N a lot since we left L.A. I love seeing his new pictures. DD seemed to be ready to be a great big brother. I kept bugging S about having a second child every time I missed baby N . However, we are not going to have a second child. Period. End of the discussion (for 2009) according to S. :)
(My gratitude to N's mommy for letting me hold him to get my baby fix. N is so adorable!!:)
(DD was no longer jealous when I held a baby in front of him.)