S and I thought our life has either hit a new high or a new low after dancing and clapping around the toilet celebrating Di-Di's first "number 2" in his big boy potty!! LOL.... We have been avoiding the potty training chore for months, but decided to give it a try after finding this great program. You might want to check it out if you are not against early potty training (before 2). It came with a "Potty Train" DVD, a whistle, stickers and a book. So far, Di-Di loves the DVD and watches it once every morning and evening. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, because we found out that recently (before we decided to potty train) Di-di has been holding his bowl. It has created a vicious cycle that lead to constipation, hurt and then worse constipation. Being in the terrible twos stage adds another layer of "power struggle" problem if we try to push too hard. We wished that we had found this program 6 months earlier. We would be in better shape today.
This is actually the second time that Di-di goes through potty training. Imagine my surprise when I first saw what was taking place in the pictures below. Di-di was only three months old and would "go" on my aunt's commend. I almost fell off the floor!! My aunt is old school in the child rearing department which includes very very very early potty training. (I have no recollection of this, but she said way back then we all started potting training at one month old and were definitely potty trained by 6 months old..... Taiwanese didn't use disposable diapers back then in the countryside. In addition, supposedly adults were too busy to change and wash clothes diapers so many times a day, so we, the babies/toddlers, would usually crawl and run around with our split pants and it was easy to clean the tile floor or the dirt if accidents occurred. Oooop.. sorry, erase that picture in your mind. Like I said, I have NO recollection of such event in my early life. :)
Even though my aunt had trained Di-di, it became too hard to keep up the potty thing when my aunt left us, specially after Di-di started going to day care. Hope with the help of this program we can pick up where my aunt has left us and keep it up this time.
(Warning- don't look at the pictures below if kid's poop grosses you out.:)