Some of his progress update:
1. He is officially in pre-K. He is learning so much more in pre-K and is always eager to "tell" me what he did during the day. Although it's still hard for me to understand every word that he is saying, I am pleased that he is talking so much more.
2. His height is between 38 inches (54th percentile) and 39 inches (77th percentile). is huge range, but it was pretty difficult to get a good measure of my wiggly baby.
3. He is about 33 lbs with his diaper on. It baffles me that he hasn't gained much weight since his last birthday. The rate of weight increase slowed down dramatically after her turned two.
4. He is still NOT potty trained yet. His teacher told me not to worry, because three other boys older than DD are also in diapers. :)
5. DD loves going to the park. The first word out of his mouth is mommy and always followed immediately by "park" when he wakes up in the morning and from his naps. How do you tell a three year-old boy that our lives don't revolve around "park"!
6. DD is very ticklish and he loves laughing and giggling. Sometimes all it takes is just a little touch of his tummy and he would laugh like crazy~~ Very cute to watch!
I am very happy that I have started this blog for him. Even though I don't update the blog as much I would like, I can still go back and revisit a lot of the great times that we have had.
Mommy played dumb when DD asked for "cake" after we finished singing happy B-day song. He will get to have some cake when I take him to his classmate's B-day party next week. I am not a believer of throwing annual B-day parties for a child, but I don't mind taking him to other kids' B-day parties now and then! :)
(Note to self- I should call his pediatrician to set up his 3-year check up. )
Happy Birthday DD!
Happy birthday Di-di! I've been thinking you were turning 3 soon, and here you are!
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